Understanding Toe-To-Heel Air Injection Process, Clues for Future In-Situ Combustion Technologies for Heavy Oil Recovery
One-Day Course
- Essential information on current ISC commercial projects Challenges in Application of Conventional ISC process, SDOD processes, and New ISC processes
- Current conventional ISC commercial operations: Bellevue (USA), Suplacu de Barcau (Romania), Balol and Shantal (India)
- Challenges in application of conventional ISC process
- Short-distance oil displacement (SDOD) concept
- SDOD thermal processes; COSH, Top-down ISC and THAI/CAPRI processes
- History of development of THAI and CAPRI processes
- 3-D lab work of U of B investigating ISC in different configurations, including horizontal wells
- Patenting of THAI
- Systematic investigation of THAI; significant lab tests
- Development of CAPRI
- Systematic investigation of CAPRI
- Basic mechanisms of THAI/CAPRI; general and combustion reaction mechanisms
- Description of THAI; the three phases; communication, start up (ignition) and propagation of ISC front
- The three main crucial mechanisms of THAI (SDOD, gravity stable and self – healing feature preventing air/O2 short circuit)
- Differentiation of THAI chemistry from that of conventional ISC
- Upgrading potential of THAI/unintentional in-situ upgrading in some field ISC projects
- Description of CAPRI and its upgrading potential
- Status of technology; some essential laboratory 3-D cell test results
- Systematic investigation of THAI and CAPRI
- Main conclusions from the systematic investigation of THAI and CAPRI
- Status of technology; field testing results
- Description of the Athabasca WhiteSands THAI pilot and of the conventional Heavy Oil Kerrobert (Saskatchewan Province, Canada) THAI Project (in the presence of bottom water
- Communication and ignition phases
- Main phase (TTH propagation)
- Performance of the pilot/project; control of the process, peak temperature, burning characteristics, oil rate, upgrading and hydrogen production, etc.
- Operational issues
- Lessons learned
- Discussion on possible applications of THAI process in other fields in Canada ; May River Project and Dawson Creek Project
- Four THAI pilots outside Canada with emphasis on Fengcheng Pilot in Xingjiang Province, China
- Pros and Cons of THAI application; screening criteria
- Maturity of the THAI process; challenges/limitations
- Pros & Cons
- Screening criteria
- Sweet spots for applications
- Towards commercialization of THAI; possible improvements of the THAI process
- Staggered line drive application
- THAI grafted on a suspended or active ISC operation
- THAI as a follow up process after SAGD and THAI conducted as a stand-alone process in a SAGD well configuration
- Propagation of the ISC front on the last portion of the horizontal section (heel section)
- Reduction of the gas injection rate, controlling wells just for gas production (partial) to some extent as in COSH, other possible solutions
- Safety of operation; oxygen ingress in the horizontal producer
- Excessive catalyst loading in CAPRI process
January 2018